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What is a Physical examination?

It is a routine examination your primary care provider conducts to examine your overall health. A PCP could be a nurse practitioner, a physician assistant, or a doctor. The test is also referred to as a wellness check. You do not have to be sick to get the test.

The physical examination can be a good moment to ask your PCP queries about your health or talk about any problems or changes you have noticed.
There are different exams that can be done during your physical exam. Depending on your family or medical history or age, your PCP could recommend extra testing.

What is the aim of a yearly physical examination?

A physical test enables your PCP to establish the general condition of your health. The test also presents you with a chance to discuss with them any constant pain or symptoms you are experiencing or any other health issues you may have. You’re advised to do a physical exam at least once per year, particularly if you are over 50 years. The test is used to:

Check potential diseases so they can get treated early.

Identify any problems that could become medical issues in the future.

Update necessary vaccinations.

Ensure that you’re maintaining a healthy exercise routine and diet.

Build up a rapport with your PCP.

These examinations are also a great way to check blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. These levels might be high without a person ever showing any symptoms or signs. Regular screening enables your PCP to treat these issues before they become severe. Your PCP also does a physical examination before surgery or prior to starting your treatment for a medical problem.

How to prepare for a physical exam

Make your appointment with a chosen PCP. If you have a family PCP, you can get a physical exam from them. If you don’t have one, consider contacting your health insurance for n index of providers within your area.

Proper preparation for this exam can help you benefit the most from the time you spend with your PCP. Ensure you have the following documents before your physical exam:

Index of current medicines you take, including OTC medications or any herbal supplements.

Index any pain or symptoms you are experiencing.

Results from any latest or relevant examinations.

Surgical and medical history.

Names and contact info of other doctors you might have visited recently.

If you have an inserted device including a defibrillator or pacemaker, bring a duplicate of the facade and back of the device card.

You might wish to put on comfortable clothing and do away with excess makeup, jewellery, or any other thing that’d hinder your PCP from wholly examining your body.

How do I find a good physical exam facility?

You wish to get precise physical exam results, the reason you need the best facility. Talk with your acquaintances so they can recommend you. Also, check reviews to get a list of great physical exam facilities. It’d also help to select a facility with at least five years in business. Moreover, ensure the facility has a license and that its staff has the necessary certifications.

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